Fundraising & Advocating for

Appleton Public Library

Friends of Appleton Public Library advocates and raises funds for Appleton Public Library and serves as a bridge between the library and the greater Appleton community.

New Library

Building Project

Appleton Public Library is a much-loved and much-used resource. To answer the growing demand for innovative programming and services, the City of Appleton is transforming the current building into a modern and sustainable 21st century library.

new library cta 2
new library cta 3

The strength of our library

The power of our community.

Your Impact

Since 2000, Friends has given Appleton Public Library $1.7 million in grants, which has funded a wide array of programming, technologies, summer reading, literacy development, career assistance, and outreach to underserved populations.

Special Projects
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In Grants since 2000
$ 0
Programs, Classes, and Events
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Recent programming supported by our grants

Author & coach

Jessica Seven

Business coach / Influencer / Marketing guru

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Cras et diam ac – nunc urna magna, porttitor eu laoreet aliquam, pellentesque eu velit. Suspendisse potenti! Ut elit tellus ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.  Duis vitae – purus ornare ac turpis a tellus posuere condimentum vitae vitae libero. Curabitur vitae purus ornare aliquet vitae nulla nec posuere!
